WTA offers classified advertisement services in the following categories:
1. Employment opportunities
2. Items for sale
3. Requests for Proposal (RFP) notices
Requesters have three different options: 1) publish a classified ad in the WTA monthly magazine; 2) post a classified ad on the WTA website www.wisctowns.com; or 3) publish in the WTA monthly magazine and post on the WTA website.
Advertisement Fees
Classified ads must be limited to 150 words or less (not including .pdf links as noted below):
Publication in WTA monthly magazine | $25/month per ad
Posting on WTA website for 30 days (includes unlimited .pdf and up to 5 .jpg links) | $15/month per ad
Combination package (includes publishing in magazine and posting on website) | $30/month per ad 2” x 3” full color photo in monthly magazine $5 each per photo per ad